Maintenance Concerns With Electrical Control Panel
When you have any sort of automation set up as part of your industrial operations, the electrical control panel is its nerve center. The control panel links into most or all of the primary functions, as well as usually being the center of human interface with the system. Should anything happen to the control panel, it could potentially endanger your entire automation system, and harm your operations in the process.
This makes proper maintenance of your control panel an absolute necessity! They are not high-maintenance, and generally, operate autonomously – but you still need to do some basic tasks to protect them from physical threats.
Four Critical Areas of Maintenance for Your Electrical Control Panel
- Pests and vermin control
You should have strong vermin control measures around your control panel, including rodent traps, and some form of poison to attract and kill insects. Be sure to check these measures regularly and replace them as needed.
- Dust, dirt, and debris
- Insulation
Poorly insulated wires risk shorting out the system, as well as causing human injury.
- Loose connections
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